Nov 25, 2022
How to add a Footer using Customization?

1. There are few ways to get into the customization option to do any changes in the theme.
2. Go and Click on widgets in the menu .
3. Click on the footer that you want to use.
4. Then go to the add footer button .
5. Now you will select the widgets that you want to use for the footer.
6. Edit your added widgets
7. Save and publish it.

Each Theme have its own Footer customization setting as you can follow with their corresponding documentation file. They can have little changes for each different category theme. Also you can submit a query to ask more on our support page.

This is Order lists

  1. Nunc quis ante et enim viverra porttitor vitae at ex.
  2. Nam ac nibh id turpis efficitur pellentesque in id tortor. Quisque gravida dui ac nisi lobortis vestibulum.
  3. Nam ac nibh id turpis efficitur pellentesque in id tortor. Quisque gravida dui ac nisi lobortis vestibulum.
    1. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas lacinia ac nisl nec fermentum. Quisque eu erat ut mi pretium bibendum. Curabitur turpis eros, sagittis id elementum eget, condimentum ac dolor.
    2. Vivamus pretium neque libero, sed dignissim nisl tempor quis. Proin arcu nisi, ullamcorper a sapien a, auctor fringilla lacus. Etiam ligula turpis, vulputate in dui ac, porttitor tristique tellus
    3. Vivamus pretium neque libero, sed dignissim nisl tempor quis. Proin arcu nisi, ullamcorper a sapien a, auctor fringilla lacus.
  4. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas lacinia ac nisl nec fermentum. Quisque eu erat ut mi pretium bibendum. Curabitur turpis eros, sagittis id elementum eget, condimentum ac dolor.
  5. Sed imperdiet venenatis justo a ornare. Suspendisse faucibus tempor vehicula.
  6. Phasellus egestas, nulla et vestibulum tempor, risus lorem egestas nunc, vitae vulputate lacus nunc quis neque.
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